In English – Oldal 2 – Válasz Online

It was explosive news that Hungarian scientist Katalin Karikó, who played a key role in the development of vaccines using mRNA technology, confirmed that she had been recruited by the state security services in the late 1970s. The director general of the Historical Archives of the State Security Services (ÁBTL) tells our publication that Karikó’s “index card six” can indeed be found in their institution. What does this document reveal?

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The Russian government has put the sole remaining major independent news outlet, Meduza, in front of its administrative death squad. In his interview to Válasz Online, editor-in-chief Ivan Kolpakov explains why.

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Válasz Online asks Mikhail Kasyanov, who has been a harsh critic of his former boss since 2005, about the prospects of the opposition after the imprisonment of Alexei Navalny and about the Hungarian-Russian friendship blossoming since 2010. Moreover: as a Russia liberal, would he hand back Crimea to Ukraine?

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Maria Kalesnikova believes even with the governance of the current opposition Belarus would not turn away from Russia towards the West.

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What should a son do when his father was responsible for exterminating millions of Jews and Poles?

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We believe that the writer and philosopher has created a key text about the effects of the virus on Europe and the West, with a detour into the conditions in his native Hungary.

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The Hungarian chemist-economist, Zoltán Köntös, has invented the method of transforming the Globe-choking CO2 into useful substance in large quantity.

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The former foreign minister and Sejm Marshal, whom we met at EPP’s congress last week, also says he does not miss Fidesz any more while the helm that takes the Hungarian party back to EPP is entirely in Viktor Orbán’s hands.

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An Arab can be a good citizen of Israel, says Yossi Amrani who believes Hungary would also do better if it did not judge people by their origin. Israel’s outgoing ambassador to Budapest explains Válasz Online his Arab roots as well and stands by Pride and the advertisement of Coca-Cola that caused serious public impact lately.

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Sweet, mellifluous voice on the phone. A dulcet tone which sounds suspiciously familiar. Is it her? Hardly. In case of international superstars, it is common for a manager to pick up the receiver first, sometimes the caller is checked several times, only then they are put through to the person of attention. So, I tell […]

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“We do not support individuals and candidates, we support principles”, says the US Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations asked by Válasz Online. When it comes to president-elect Volodimir Zelensky, Ambassador Kurt Volker admits democracy is a risky thing while suggesting that if the new president made any meaningful concession to Russia to have a settlement […]

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Seeing the Cathedral Notre-Dame on fire filled not only the religious hearts with deep sorrow. And this common sorrow shows us perfectly how deeply and strongly interconnected are Christianity and the European identity, cardinal Péter Erdő explains Válasz in a good Friday interview in which he also made some statements about various aspects of public […]

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“It was strange to see someone vote for sanctions against themselves,” Benoît Lutgen, president of Belgian cdH, one of the parties requesting Fidesz’s expulsion from the EPP. Válasz followed the events live in Brussels as those demanding the penalisation of the Hungarian governing party were pitted against Viktor Orbán in the European People’s Party. There […]

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Viktor Orbán managed to break certain taboos in Europe but he has not facilitated serious debates in Hungary, according to Lasse Skytt. The young Danish journalist was not pleased with the reports about Hungary so he moved here to see the politics with his own eyes. Válasz Online interviewed him at the very moment the […]

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“You can never tell what freedom looks like“, relaxes himself the loudest founding father of Brexit asked by Válasz. Nigel Farage, the former leader of UKIP, is not even sure how will his homeland look like after leaving the EU in 43 days therefore he is rather about to continue as an MEP. Meanwhile he […]

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